How to Find Startup Ideas on Reddit With Help of AI

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By DeepDrive AI

Reddit is an absolute goldmine for startup ideas—yet surprisingly, not enough people are tapping into it. In fact, using Reddit, you can uncover validated business ideas that can become multi-million-dollar companies. It’s the go-to platform when you’re searching for your next startup idea—particularly if you\’re looking for ideas that people will resonate with.

In this blog post, you’ll discover a simple 4-step process that will help you find startup ideas on Reddit. Stick around until the end, and you’ll also learn how to create content that will attract and engage your target audience. Let’s get started!


Step 1: Find Trending Subreddits Using Gummy Search

Find Trending Subreddits Using Gummy Search

To kick things off, you\’ll need a tool to help you navigate Reddit efficiently. One of the best tools for this is Gummy Search, a platform designed to surface trends and insights from Reddit communities. They offer both free and paid plans, but the paid version gives you more in-depth insights.

The key to uncovering solid startup ideas lies in finding the right subreddits. While many people focus on the massive subreddits with millions of members, the sweet spot is in communities with 10,000 to 100,000 members. These are smaller but fast-growing subreddits where trends are emerging, giving you a unique \”why now\” advantage. These communities are still relatively fresh and trending in people’s minds.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go to Gummy Search and check out the Trending Section.
  2. Filter subreddits based on growth—daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
  3. Focus on 10,000 to 100,000 member subreddits. These are not oversaturated, yet they are buzzing with activity.
  4. Start scrolling and pay attention to the subreddits that pique your interest. Ask yourself: Do I have an interest or unfair advantage in this niche? Could I build something for this community?

For example, you might come across a subreddit like “Autistic with ADHD” or “dog food.” These niche topics can become business opportunities if they align with your skill set or interests.


Step 2: Identify Problems and Solutions Within the Subreddits

 Identify Problems and Solutions Within the Subreddits

Once you’ve picked a promising subreddit, it’s time to find problems people are facing—because every business idea starts with solving a problem.

Gummy Search can help you dive deep into the specific challenges people are experiencing within these subreddits. You’ll find categories like Pain & Anger, Advice Requests, and Solution Requests. This is where people vent about their frustrations, ask for advice, and share their needs. And guess what? Every frustration or request is a potential business idea!

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the subreddit you chose and start analyzing.
  2. Use the Pain & Anger filter to find the most common complaints.
  3. Take notes of repeated patterns or pain points. The more you see the same problem pop up, the bigger the market opportunity.

For instance, if you’re browsing a “dog food” subreddit, you might discover people struggling with issues like potty training challenges, loss of appetite in older dogs, or reluctance to walk. These are validated problems, and your business idea could be centered around solving these issues—whether through a product, service, or content.

By identifying common problems, you’re already on your way to building a business that meets an actual need.


Step 3: Evaluate the Competitive Landscape

Evaluate the Competitive Landscape

Even if you’ve identified a problem, you still need to make sure there’s room for you in the market. That’s where competitive analysis comes in. Once you’ve narrowed down a few problems, check out the existing solutions. But don’t worry if there’s competition—what you’re looking for are gaps in the market.

Here’s what to look for:

  • Is the existing product poorly marketed?
  • Is the customer experience lacking?
  • Could you offer a better product, or a more niche, personalized solution?

Let’s say you’re considering creating a product for potty training dogs. Yes, there are probably businesses out there already offering solutions. But if you notice that no one is partnering with creators or engaging in social media effectively, that could be your in. Maybe the current products aren’t well-branded or focused on community building—these gaps are your opportunity to create something better.


Step 4: Create a One-Pager for Your Startup Idea

Create a One-Pager for Your Startup Idea

Once you’ve done your research and identified a gap in the market, it’s time to consolidate everything into a one-pager. This document should outline your business idea, target audience, potential solutions, and key insights from your Reddit research.

Here’s what to include:

  • Subreddit(s) and target audience: Define the community and their key interests.
  • Pain points: Summarize the top problems you\’ve identified.
  • Proposed solution: How will your business solve these problems?
  • Competitive landscape: What products already exist, and how will yours stand out?
  • Monetization model: Will you charge for this solution, and if so, how? Is it a SaaS, eCommerce, or service-based business?

With your one-pager in hand, you’ll have a solid foundation to begin testing your idea.

Bonus: How to Create Content Your Audience Will Love

How to Create Content Your Audience Will Love

Now that you’ve got your business idea nailed down, it’s time to think about building an audience. In today’s digital age, it’s not just about creating a product—you also need to attract and engage your target customers through compelling content.

Here’s how you can use Reddit (and Gummy Search) to come up with content ideas:


1. Find Top-Performing Content

Find Top-Performing Content

Go back to the subreddits you’re interested in and check out the Top Content section in Gummy Search. You’ll notice patterns in the types of posts that get the most engagement. It could be long, personal stories, memes, or helpful advice threads. These insights will guide you in creating content that resonates with your audience.

For example, if you\’re building a dog training business, you might notice that stories about saving a dog’s life or posts about mental stimulation for dogs tend to perform well. That’s a clear signal that emotional stories and practical advice are popular, and you should lean into that when creating content.


2. Analyze Comments

Analyze Comments

To dig deeper, go to the comments section of popular posts. Here, you’ll get a sense of what people are thinking. What questions are they asking? What additional content would they like to see? This is another goldmine for content ideas.

By understanding the pain points and desires your audience expresses in the comments, you can tailor your content to meet their needs and position yourself as an authority in the space.


3. Collaborate with Influencers

Collaborate with Influencers

After gathering content ideas, consider collaborating with influencers in your niche. Use tools like to find top creators who are already engaging with your target audience. By collaborating with them, you can reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your product or service.

Imagine partnering with a popular dog trainer on YouTube who has thousands of loyal followers. If your business idea is related to dog training, this partnership could introduce your product to a large, engaged audience overnight.


4. Launch and Iterate

 Launch and Iterate

The final step is to create content, launch it, and iterate based on what performs best. Consistently analyze what types of content get the most engagement and refine your strategy. As your audience grows, so will your ability to convert them into customers.

Final Thoughts


Reddit is an underutilized treasure trove of startup ideas, and with tools like Gummy Search, it’s easier than ever to uncover validated business opportunities. By following this 4-step process—finding trending subreddits, identifying problems, analyzing competitors, and crafting a one-pager—you can tap into niche markets and create solutions people genuinely need.

Remember, building a successful business is about solving problems, and Reddit is full of communities sharing their challenges daily. The key is to observe, take notes, and turn those insights into action.

So, what are you waiting for? Start scrolling, find your niche, and get building!

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